Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I am not sure if anyone will see this, but if you do, keep reading and spread the word. I am sure though, that almost all of the Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers have seen the Houston Kraft video " Perspecticles".

If you haven't, go watch it. it's a beautiful and truthful video. It's on youtube. anyways, I watched it again recently, and I decided to do this. A poll.

If you were to look into a mirror, wearing the glasses, what do you believe you would see?

here, I will give you my answer. in the video, I noticed all the good things about the people faded to the back, while all that was wrong was in bold. so here mine is.

Good Things:

I believe I would see...

  1. Loyal
  2. Loving
  3. Loves to write
  4. Dreamer
  5. Loves to draw
  6. Caring
  7. Supportive
  8. Understanding
  9. Protective
  10. Hopeful
Bad Things:

I believe I would see...

  1. Lonely
  2. Wants to leave everything behind
  3. Used to have nightmares everynight.
  4. Doesn't want to let anyone get close
  5. Depressed
  6. Angry
  7. pessimistic
  8. hiding
  9. self - harmful past
  10. Trust issues
  11. broken
  12. Lost
  13. has contemplated in past.

The bad things do outweigh the good, but only by a little. and the most "alarming" ones, ( 2,3,4,9,10) they are things in the past. I am recovering and quite well I might add. I had the love and support of the best person I know. My Sister. And my friends, who all care for me. I truly believe if I keep looking up, things are going to get better for me. the one I am most worried about is the Trust, because I let one person in, I let them get to know me, the real me, see how broken I was, and they left me in an even worse state.( they could use a pair of Perspecticles)  But I am healing. it's tuff, but its happening. Slowly but surely. :)

So tell me, what would you see?

I did this on the Microsoft Paint program a little while ago.

I am posting this on my Google page as well. Spread the word.

<3 Illiana

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